Member Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct Document for Dublin Food Co-op (DFC) Adopted at OGM 21.11.2013

As a consumer co-operative DFC encourage: the active involvement of its members in the operation and
management of the society.

1. DFC Members must be impartial in the performance of their duties, and perform such duties with diligence
and courtesy, observing appropriate behaviour.
2. DFC Members must work within the law, the DFC’s rules/constitution as registered with the Registrar of
Friendly Societies, the secondary rules as decided by the members at general meetings and the specific
guidelines set out here.
3. DFC Members must observe the co-operative values of equality, equity, democracy, solidarity, self-help and
self- responsibility as well as the ethical values of openness, honesty, concern for community and caring for
others. They must observe these values in all their dealings with fellow DFC members and with the public (i.e.
non-members and other visitors) on the DFC premises.
4. DFC Members must respect one another. Particular care must be taken to safeguard any information
concerning the privacy and personal details of our fellow members.
5. DFC Members must not engage in any business or activity on the DFC premises that would in any way conflict
with the DFC’s stated objectives, or impair the volunteer members, working groups or staff in carrying out
their duties and responsibilities therein.
6. DFC Members must have a clear understanding of their individual roles as members, including any duties or
other responsibilities they may occasionally undertake. When dealing with cash or matters of expenditure,
due regard must be given by DFC members to fiscal responsibilities, e.g. in relation to DFC finances, which
ultimately belong to all the DFC members.
7. DFC Members must abide by the standards and principles of the DFC Health and Safety Statement, as well as
any other* statutory policies of the DFC and other relevant policy documents or guidelines that are published
from time to time.
8. DFC Members who breach this code of conduct may result in a disciplinary procedure being invoked that may
lead to the suspension of their membership (subject to their statutory rights under their membership status
and after a fair disciplinary process). DFC members are expected to co-operate fully with any disciplinary
9. Where it is suspected that a DFC member has engaged in gross misconduct (gross misconduct as it is defined
in Appendix 1 overleaf), they may be temporarily suspended pending a disciplinary process and if their
actions are deemed gross misconduct following the process, they will be suspended or expelled or
disqualified from DFC membership and premises.
*e.g. DFC Child Protection Guidelines, Safety of Children on the DFC premises, Bullying, Equality Policy,
Environmental Health directives and other agreed directives.
See Page 2:2

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Appendix 1 : Gross misconduct
Examples of gross misconduct include, but are not limited to:
i. theft, fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, bribery or corruption, lack of due care for DFC resources
ii. deliberate falsification of records, violation or misuse of confidential information, organisational property,
material or equipment
iii. serious breaches of health and safety rules, fighting, assault on another person in the course of their DFC duties
or as an ordinary member or producer member
iv. serious incapability through alcohol, being under the influence of illegal drugs or misuse of prescribed
medication; possession and/or sale of illegal drugs
v. serious negligence which causes unacceptable loss, damage or injury to the DFC
vi. discrimination, obstruction, serious bullying, harassment, sexual harassment
vii. misrepresentation or misuse of authority
viii. engaging in prohibited activities, eg.dealing in meat or meat products
ix. failure to disclose conflicts of interest in business or fiscal dealings of a major interest or nature
x. improper influence in order to make personal/family gains in business or fiscal dealings of a major interest or
Disciplinary Principles for Breaches of the Code of Conduct, (subject to statutory rights)
1. It is essential that all DFC Members behave appropriately, fairly, and consistently in all aspects of their work,
shopping, interactivity or any engagement with the DFC. It should be recognized that most problems relating to
misconduct, irregularity, neglect or unsatisfactory behaviour can be dealt with before reaching the point at which
disciplinary action is contemplated by the DFC Co-ordinating Body, (hereafter called the ‘CB’) or any
investigator/mediator acting on their behalf. When dealing with any persistent/recurring breaches of the Code of
Conduct that might arise or be deemed to be improper or in serious breach of a member’s Duty of Care, all
matters of discipline will be dealt with by the CB in a manner that protects the dignity of the members and
follows due disciplinary and grievance principles.
2. “that the member concerned has the right to a fair and impartial determination of the issues concerned, taking
into account any representations made by, or on behalf of, the member and any other relevant or appropriate
evidence, factors, or circumstances – and should be given a clear statement of the areas where his or her
conduct and/or performance is unsatisfactory and given an opportunity to respond - save where any act of
gross misconduct or breach of the law demands an instant suspension”.
3. It is essential for the operation of this Code that all members co-operate fully in any disciplinary principles. Any
member who fails to co-operate fully in a disciplinary procedure will be in breach of his or her terms of Code of
Conduct contract of membership and subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
4. While it is essential to be fair and just in dealings of any disciplinary nature, the appropriate procedures to be
followed should be done as swiftly as and where possible and practicable. However, the rate of progress at which
an investigation will proceed will be determined by the investigating party (CB and/or 3rd party), taking into
consideration the complexity of the issue.
5. THIS Code of Conduct has an accompanying Grievance & Disciplinary Principles guideline to be followed in the
event of a breach of the code – nothing in the Code of Conduct or the Grievance & Disciplinary Procedure
documents overrules an individual’s legal and statutory right.

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